
Aufstieg durch Mentoring?

Der Einfluss von Mentoring auf die verschiedenen Karrierephasen von weiblichen Führungskräften in Deutschland

Women seeking advancement to leadership positions face several challenges. Various functions in mentoring can help overcome the obstacles and have a positive impact on women's careers. Therefore, mentoring is considered as an important development tool for the advancement of women. To effectively use and implement this instrument, it is important to understand how mentoring can help women. The goal of this thesis is to find out what mentoring functions are needed in the career development of women. Therefore, the following research question is set: "How do the mentoring functions vary in the different career stages of women?" To answer the research question, depth interviews with women in leadership positions were conducted as part of a qualitative survey. Since the focus is on the different career stages, three age groups were chosen, representing early, mid, and late career. In addition, the child status was included as another characteristic, as children are a significant factor influencing female careers. With the data obtained from the interviews, the research question is answered. The results show that the mentoring functions change over the course of a career. While women need multiple functions early in their careers, the demand decreases and the thematic focus changes in the later stages.

Autoren: Pagenkopf, Lea / Weißhaupt, Michael
Seiten: 95

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Lea Pagenkopf
Prof. Dr. Michael Weißhaupt  Elektronische Visitenkarte
New Work, Algorithmen & KI im Recruiting, Impression Management & Social Media
Studiendekan Medien- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (Bachelor, 7 Semester)
Professor für Human Resource Management. Schwerpunkte: Eignungsdiagnostik, Arbeits- u. Organisationspsychologie, Leadership & Professional Development
Medien- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (Bachelor, 7 Semester)
Fakultät Electronic Media
221, Nobelstraße 10 (Hörsaalbau)
0711 8923-2282
Michael Weißhaupt

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Prof. Dr. Michael Weißhaupt  Elektronische Visitenkarte

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