
Geschlechtergerechte Sprache in Stellenanzeigen

Eine empirische Analyse der relevanten Faktoren zur Beurteilung einer Stellenanzeige

Recruiting skilled personnel to fill vacancies is of great interest to companies against the backdrop of the current shortage of skilled workers. Recruiting female skilled workers in particular poses a problem for organizations. The job advertisement is the first point of contact between companies and job seekers. In order to optimize the approach to job applicants and to make it non-discriminatory, it is important to understand how different linguistic formulations influence the evaluation of the job advertisement. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how the use of gendered language in job advertisements influences the assessment of the advertisement by applicants compared to the use of the generic masculine. To this end, the following research question is posed: "What influence does the use of gender-equal language in job advertisements have on applicants compared to the use of the generic

masculine?" To answer the research question, a quantitative study in the form of an online survey was conducted on the relevant factors - attractiveness of the job, sense of belonging to the company, assessment of personal skills, and intention to apply - in the German-speaking population. Specifically, two independent experimental groups were randomly formed, each of which evaluated a job advertisement with comparable content in gender-equal language and generically masculine language, respectively. Respondents were asked closed-ended questions about the relevant factors and indicated their agreement scores on a five-point Likert scale. Descriptive and inferential statistical analyses were used to examine the hypotheses made about the effect relationships between the experimental groups and the relevant factors as well as the factor gender. The results of the scenario-based experiment show that gender-sensitive language in job advertisements leads to a more positive evaluation of all relevant factors for both women and men compared to the use of the generic

masculine. Based on these findings, companies should use gender-sensitive language in job advertisements to address applicants in a non-discriminatory manner, increase the attractiveness of the position, and thus increase the chance of filling the position in the best possible way.

Autoren: Weißhaupt, Michael / Schöttle, Tamara
Seiten: 81

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Prof. Dr. Michael Weißhaupt  Elektronische Visitenkarte
New Work, Algorithmen & KI im Recruiting, Impression Management & Social Media
Studiendekan Medien- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (Bachelor, 7 Semester)
Professor für Human Resource Management. Schwerpunkte: Eignungsdiagnostik, Arbeits- u. Organisationspsychologie, Leadership & Professional Development
Medien- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (Bachelor, 7 Semester)
Fakultät Electronic Media
221, Nobelstraße 10 (Hörsaalbau)
0711 8923-2282
Michael Weißhaupt

Tamara Schöttle

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Prof. Dr. Michael Weißhaupt  Elektronische Visitenkarte

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