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Modul Gameplay Programming

(Gameplay Programming )

Modul:113522 Gameplay Programming (Wahlpflichtmodul im Hauptstudium)
Modulverantwortlicher:Prof. Dr. Stefan Radicke
ECTS-min./max.: 6 / 6
Workload: 6 ECTS x 30 = 180 hours
Modulprüfung: LA
  • Ability to pick up any modern game engine quickly and easily. Students gather knowledge about common game engine components including physics, events, cameras, scripting, game components, input and more. They thus are able to implement fun mechanics by building solid and robust gameplay systems, which realize efficient communication and meaningful interaction between the utilized game engine components.
  • The students undergo one full cycle of game prototyping in compliance with methods employed by professional developers. In addition, the lecture approach heavily focuses on the scientific method, where a hypothesis is formulated, tested, and eventually corrected or adapted. The steps involved are as folows:
    1. Pitching and discussion of a game mechanic in front of the entire class, thus forming a hypothesis.
    2. Written design document outlining the game mechanic, its characteristics and implications.
    3. Prototypical implementaion of the game mechanic using Unreal Engine 4.
    4. Organizing, executing and evaluating playtests of the implemented prototype.
    5. Documentation and statistical evaluation of the playtest results.
    6. Improvement of the prototype based on the gathered feedback data.
    7. Technical documentation of the final prototype implementation.
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EDV-Nr Lehrveranstaltung Art  SWS  ECTS  Prüfungsform
113522a Gameplay Programming V, P 4 6
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