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Modul Language Course 1

Modul:181150 Language Course 1 (Wahlpflichtmodul im Grundstudium)
Modulverantwortlicher: Dr. Barbara Garzia-Jansen
ECTS-min./max.: 2 / 2
Modulprüfung: KMP
Formale Zulassungsvoraussetzungen: Language assessment test
Prüfungsvorleistung: T, Anmeldung unter 181151
Lernergebnisse:Learning Outcome - Elementary use of language - Level A1
Students can understand and use familiar, everyday expressions and very simple sentences, which relate to the satisfying of concrete needs. Students can introduce tehmselves and others as well as ask others about themselves – e.g. where they live, who they know and what they own – and can respond to questions of this nature. Students can communicate in a simple manner if the person they are speaking to speaks slowly and clearly and is willing to help.
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Voraussetzung für dieses Modul: -
Dieses Modul ist Voraussetzung für:-
beinhaltet folgende Lehrveranstaltung(-en):
EDV-Nr Lehrveranstaltung Art  SWS  ECTS  Prüfungsform
181150a Language Course 1 - 2 2 T*
181151a Language Assessment - T
* kennzeichnet Prüfungsvorleistungen