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Modul Physics for Engineers

Modul:181202 Physics for Engineers (Pflichtmodul im Grundstudium)
Modulverantwortlicher:Prof. Dr. Stefan Güttler
ECTS-min./max.: 8 / 8
Workload: Workload:
Lecture in Physics:
14 lectures of 3h each = 42h
Self-dependent learning and preparation for the exam: 108h
Exercises in Physics:
14 sessions of 1,5h each = 21h
Self-dependent solving of exercises and preparation for the midterm exam: 69h
Workload: 240h in total = 8ECTS
Modulprüfung: KL, 90 Min
Formale Zulassungsvoraussetzungen: Physics for Engineers is a second semester course that requires a fundamental knowledge in mathematics as it is taught in 181100 Mathematics for Engineers.
Prüfungsvorleistung: T, Anmeldung unter 181203
Lernergebnisse:Learning Outcomes:

> Subjects of the Physics for Engineers course are the mechanics of rigid bodies, elasticity and fluids. After completion of the course students are familiar with the fundamental laws of the mechanics of rigid bodies, elastic deformation, fluid mechanics of inviscid and viscous fluids, and sound waves. Students are able to recognize the relevant physical laws in a physical problem and can apply them by finding an appropriate mathematical setting. This includes strategies to break down a complex physical problem into manageable parts, e.g., by finding an adapted coordinate system or by introducing approximations. Students will be able to work their way into new physical subjects and can demonstrate competency in their understanding of scientific information..

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beinhaltet folgende Lehrveranstaltung(-en):
EDV-Nr Lehrveranstaltung Art  SWS  ECTS  Prüfungsform
181202a Physics for Engineers - 4 5
181202b Exercises in Physics - 3 3 T*
* kennzeichnet Prüfungsvorleistungen