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115983a Innovation SimGame

Zuletzt geändert:02.09.2019 / von Carlsburg
Sprache: Englisch
Art: -
Umfang: 2 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 3
Bemerkung zur Veranstaltung: Englisch
English Title: Innovation Simulation
English Abstract: The Course „Innovation Simulation“ is an interactive Learning Format driven by a Board Game, called PRIMESIM Innovation.

The haptic simulation is a free form game, applicable for learning the key elements of start-up and innovation processes. The participants facing challenges such as team-building, the generation of ideas based on own business ideas or on future social megatrends. Review and selection of generated ideas according to market relevance, Business model development with the Business Model Canvas or with the business plan, defining a powerful innovator´s team with the innovators team test or with a Diamond Value Game. The participants form groups with 2 to 10 people each team, representing a new company or a company strategic business unit. The assessment will be based on a qualitative group evaluation, constituting 100% of the quality of the participant´s investor´s pitch or if available as an extra course assessment business component the simulation „PRIMESIM Innovation Machine“.