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181410c Metrology in Packaging Printing

Zuletzt geändert:18.01.2021 / von Carlsburg
Sprache: Englisch
Art: -
Umfang: 1 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 1
Workload: Taught sessions at 1 h; 15 hrs/term Preparation for exam: 15 hrs/term
Inhaltliche Verbindung zu anderen Lehrveranstaltungen im Modul: Flexographic Printing Gravure Printing
Bemerkung zur Veranstaltung: Englisch
Beschreibung: Metrology is the science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology. It establishes a common understanding of units, crucial in linking human activities and is an important discipline in quality control processes employed in printing. Students will be confronted with a number of tasks in the lab. Properties of substrates, plates and products will be determined and established. Students will learn the ability to discriminate and judge printed material in terms of material parameters and colorimetry. The following topics are covered:
    Determin the quality of different substrates
    Determin the quality of print
English Title: Packaging Printing - Metrology
English Abstract: Metrology is the science of measurement, embracing both experimental and theoretical determinations at any level of uncertainty in any field of science and technology. It establishes a common understanding of units, crucial in linking human activities and is an important discipline in quality control processes employed in printing. Students will be confronted with a number of tasks in the lab. Properties of substrates, plates and products will be determined and established. Students will learn the ability to discriminate and judge printed material in terms of material parameters and colorimetry.
Literatur: supplied by lectuer(s)

Weitere Literatur finden Sie in der HdM-Bibliothek.
Internet: supplied by lecturer(s)