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KoFFI: Cooperative Driver-Vehicle-Interaction

Cooperative Driver-Vehicle-Interaction (German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Call: “Bringing technology to the people”): The Stuttgart Media University (HDM) has applied the “ethics by design” approach in the research project “Cooperative Driver-Vehicle-Interaction” (KoFFI). Prof. Dr. Petra Grimm and Dr. Julia Maria Mönig were able to gain expertise in a project in close cooperation with industrial partners (such as Bosch and Daimler) and other universities. Applying the value-sensitive-design-approach by including all research partners has resulted in a sensitization of the researchers and practitioners concerned. The focus of the research project was human-machine-interaction in highly automated cars, with the graphical, haptic and speech interaction and also AI involved.




Prof. Dr. Petra Grimm

Telefon: 0711 8923-2202

E-Mail: grimm@hdm-stuttgart.de

Dr. Julia Maria Moenig

Telefon: 0711 8923-2652

E-Mail: moenig@hdm-stuttgart.de