
Niels Boecker: The Sound of Breaking Bad: Analyse der Musik und des Sounddesigns der Autorenserie Breaking Bad

The quality of US television has received a substantial boost in recent years. Shows like Brea - king Bad, The Wire and Mad Men blossom into enjoyment, analysis and discussion like good literature - they have been called "film novels" repeatedly. However, the better part of the dis - cussions deals with content rather than form, disregarding the fact that besides the legitimately praised writing and acting, the formal aspects carry this revolution. The new shows look and sound like film for the big screen. Content and form merge into a work of art, quality and quan - tity are not mutually exclusive anymore. Breaking Bad was created in the heart of this historical turn and has set the bar for future TV dramas in several respects. This dissertation intends to promote the discussion and analysis of this evolving art form, thereby focusing on the soundtrack and its role in the narrative. Music and sound design in television have been traditionally less sophisticated compared to cinema. Analysis will prove that shows like Breaking Bad demand rethinking.

Seiten: 131

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Prof. Oliver Curdt  Elektronische Visitenkarte

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