The Interpretative Role of an Experiencer
How to Design for Meaningful Transmedia Experiences by Contrasting Ambiguous Vs. Prescribed Qualities
Media designers and interactive artists continue to expand the boundaries of experience design (XD) as they engage with increasingly diverse environments. Teaching, designing and understanding experience design and its participatory culture are likewise no longer grounded in traditional ideas such as software engineering, or visual design. Interdisciplinary experience design approaches, such as transmedia experiences, i.e. experiences that mix modalities, require designers to combine various mental models of creation from different disciplines. Additionally, the fuzzy nature of transmedia experience design results in a plethora of theoretical frameworks, design methods, and approaches to consider during conceptual design processes. With this research, I contribute evidence to support the importance of understanding and awareness of ambiguous vs. prescribed qualities. Working with a three staged grounded theory process I analyse the following three case studies: - The Remediation of Nosferatu: Exploring Transmedia Experiences. - The Interactive Hammock: Investigating two Contrasting Tangible Interface Installations. -Get Milk: A Comparative Study Investigating Digitised Game Design Teaching Material. Expanding on the theory of ‘ambiguity as a resource for design’ and ‘open vs. closed text’ I propose designers consider the interpretative role of an experiencer as part of an iterative design process.
Hrsg.: Ph.d.-serien for Det Tekniske Fakultet for IT og Design, Aalborg Universitet
ISBN: 978-87-7112-904-5
Seiten: 160
Erscheinungsjahr: 2017
Verlag: Aalborg Universitetsforlag
Ort: Aalborg, Denmark
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