Der Einfluss von Geschlechts- und Führungsstereotypen auf das authentische Verhalten von weiblichen Führungskräften in Deutschland
Women in management positions experience many challenges and barriers in their everyday work. Most of these are shaped and favoured by stereotypes and traditional role models. Gender and leadership stereotypes present a particular challenge, as they are largely contradictory. Nevertheless, women in management positions are expected to fulfil both expectations of being a woman and being a manager. As women are constantly confronted with these expectations, their authentic behaviour can be influenced.
The aim of this study is to gain insights into how the behaviour of female managers is influenced by stereotypes. In particular, the differences between different age groups will be examined. To this purpose, the following research question is posed: "How do gender and leadership stereotypes influence the authentic behaviour of female managers in Germany?" To answer the research question, eighteen individual interviews were conducted with women in leadership positions from different age groups within a qualitative research framework. By selecting cases according to age group and mother or childless, important influencing factors were considered in the evaluation. The research question was answered with the data obtained from the interviews. The behaviour of the participants is mainly influenced by stereotypes in the form of a behavioural reaction to the confrontation. Various types of reaction were identified, which can be divided into the categories of adapting, not reacting, confronting and not adapting. In addition, influencing factors were defined that favour or make these reactions less likely. The age of the test subjects plays a decisive role in the perception of stereotypes and behavioural reactions. Furthermore, as a result of the changes in behaviour regarding expectations, an internal discrepancy was identified in some of the women.
Autoren: Schlagenhauf, Lena / Weißhaupt, Michael
Seiten: 91
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- Name:
- Lena Schlagenhauf
- Name:
- Prof. Dr. Michael Weißhaupt
- Forschungsgebiet:
- New Work, Algorithmen & KI im Recruiting, Impression Management & Social Media
- Funktion:
- Studiendekan Medien- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (Bachelor, 7 Semester)
- Lehrgebiet:
- Professor für Human Resource Management. Schwerpunkte: Eignungsdiagnostik, Arbeits- u. Organisationspsychologie, Leadership & Professional Development
- Studiengang:
- Medien- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (Bachelor, 7 Semester)
- Fakultät:
- Fakultät Electronic Media
- Raum:
- 221, Nobelstraße 10 (Hörsaalbau)
- Telefon:
- 0711 8923-2282
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