Most companies have realized at this point that they cannot spare digital marketing measures in their marketing activities. Often, it is only seen as an addition rather than a essential component of their marketing strategy. This is aggravated by the mere complexity and rapid developments of this field. Dozens of buzzwords like “Content Marketing”, “Programmatic Advertising” and “Storytelling” are thrown into the mix.
Defining them objectively is almost impossible. Their overlapping features and the diverse interpretations of terms make it hard to orientate oneself between these elements of marketing strategy. This leads to companies approaching digital marketing only superficially. Instead of developing a profound strategy, many enterprises use an easier, channel-based approach, only thinking in concrete measures and actual platforms like an “E-mail newsletter” or “Facebook”. The decision for the channel transporting of the marketing communication should not be made in the beginning but in the end of considerations.
The consequences of such behavior could result in doing things for the sake of doing things, uncoordinated measures and useless evaluations. Within the “Digital Marketing Research Project”, a theoretical model will be developed that companies can use to deduce a viable digital marketing strategy. The model aims to be scalable, regardless of the company’s size or field of business. In succeeding steps, the model will be populated relevant to branch and put to the test in case studies.
Read the full working paper below.
- Name:
- Nil Boushila
- Name:
- Prof. Dr. Jürgen Seitz
- Forschungsgebiet:
- KI-Anwendungen und -Innovationen, KI-basierte Geschäftsmodelle, KI in Medien- und Bildungsprodukten, Digitale Medien, Marketing und E-Commerce
- Funktion:
- Professor
- Lehrgebiet:
- KI – Interdisziplinäre Grundlagen (223659), Integriertes KI-Projekt (223657), Digital Business & Transferp. (254041a/b), Internetstrategien & -konzepte mit Transferp. (223632a/b), Strategisches Marketing (254040b), Digital Marketing & Transferp. (223337a)
- Studiengang:
- Medienwirtschaft (Bachelor, 7 Semester)
- Fakultät:
- Fakultät Electronic Media
- Raum:
- 226, Nobelstraße 10 (Hörsaalbau)
- Telefon:
- 0711 8923-2741
- Name:
- Susanne Exner
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