Relevant Locational Factors for Creative Industries Startups. Selected Findings from an Empirical Study on Stakehlder Perspectives in the Greater Region of Stuttgart
Creative industries startups are considered to have a positive impact on economic wealth and to ensure continuous innovation. Hence, countries, regions and cities start initiatives and support programs in order to create suitable framework conditions and a favorable entrepreneurial ecosystem to foster startups and entrepreneurs. In this light, this study is focusing on the special challenge, that Stuttgart and the surrounding area are facing: How to best prepare the region for the future and how to become less dependent on the automotive sector and the mechanical industry? Empirical findings demonstrate the relevant locational factors for entrepreneurs and startups within the creative industries. Another finding is that stakeholders' perspectives (entrepreneurs versus external experts) differ on the relevance of particular locational factors. A main challenge for regions is to overcome the dilemma between a general positive economic situation and the development of a flourishing startup ecosystem. The study provides recommendations for destination management and regional development.
Link zum Artikel: Relevant Locational Factors for Creative Industries Startups
Erschienen in:
Entrepreneurship in Culture and Creative Industries. Perspectives from Companies and RegionsAuf den Seiten: 281-296
Autoren: Eisenbeis, Uwe
Hrsg.: Innerholfer, Elisa/Pechlaner, Harald/Borin, Elena
Erscheinungsjahr: 2018
Verlag: Springer
Ort: Cham
- Name:
Dr. Uwe Eisenbeis
- Forschungsgebiet:
- Medienmanagement und Medienökonomie, Geschäfts- und Erlösmodelle, Strategisches Verhalten von Organisationen, Technologieimplikationen auf Wertschöpfungsketten und Geschäftsmodelle in der Medienwirtschaft, Standortentwicklung und Ökosysteme für die Kreativwirtschaft
- Funktion:
- Prodekan
- Lehrgebiet:
- Medienökonomie, Medienmanagement, Strategisches Management, Unternehmensführung, Internationales Management
- Studiengang:
- Medienwirtschaft (Bachelor, 7 Semester)
- Fakultät:
- Fakultät Electronic Media
- Raum:
- 221, Nobelstraße 10 (Hörsaalbau)
- Telefon:
- 0711 8923-2258
- Homepage:
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