Defining Governance Model
Short Description
The development of a governance model as sustainable management system for a new floor space concept which aims to promote local Creative Industries and interconnects three businesses divisions of activities types: 1. education, 2 competence centre/ makerspace, 3. support services.
To deliver a sustainable governance model for the coexistence of three business divisions (education, competence centre/ makerspace, support services) within a new creative floor space concept.
Implementation steps
1. Preparation - development of methodologiical approach
2. Facilitation - implementation of the Design Thinking workshops along with on2one coaching sessions
3. Conceptualisation - establishment of governance model
Community Management Canvas - this canvas will help to sum up key information and values to create the governance model
Harmonising and converging of support services
Creating business value as a whole
Establishing procedures and decision making for the consortium
Managing consortium model
Governance of support activities
Consistent communication model for governance