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Information on Pre-daparute | Stay connect with HdM



Before you  leave HdM and Germany, please consider the following steps:


  1. Activities at HdM: Please fill in the Visiting Staff Payment Form with your faculty coordinator’s help and forward the form to the HdM International Office. If you have temporarily possessed keys to HdM classroom/facilities, please hand them over to your faculty coordinator or return them with your HdM ID card to the International Office at HdM. Please make sure your return borrowed books or media to the library as well.
  2. De-registration: In case you had registered in Stuttgart or in the town of your residence, you will need to de-register at the same town hall (Rathaus) or Bürgerbüro (Citizen Services) prior to leaving Germany. Please fill in the de-registration form (in German). Guidance on the de-registration form can be found here
  3. Cancelling insurance policies: As an employee with statutory health insurance, your insurance will expire after your last day of your employment contract. If you hold a private health insurance, please check cancelling formalities with the insurance provider. If you have a European Health Insurance Card, you need not take any further actions.
  4. Closing bank account: We recommend you cancelling your bank account before departure. This must be done in the written form. Please go to the bank in person and also return your bank cards.
  5. Terminating rental agreement: Please terminate your rental agreement with the proper notice period (usually three months notice; the length of the notice period is documented in your rental agreement) and agree on a date to handover the apartment to your landlord.
  6. Other cancellations: Please keep in mind to cancel your licence fee “GEZ“ and other services (i.e. electricity) or memberships (clubs, gyms, etc) you have been holding during your stay in Germany. If your children have visited preschool/nursery school in Germany, please de-register with the school before your departure.
  7. Forwarding mail (if applicable): Please set up a forwarding service with the German Post Office.


You can download this checklist here



Stay connected with HdM


HdM invites you to keep in touch with our university and staff members for further collaboration and exchange. Stay updated and follow our HdM activites on LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Youtube.

If you want to continue your career in Germany, the following portals might be interesting for you as a researcher: