Course work and classes that are completed abroad can generally be recognized at your home university.
There are a few key documents that ensure a smooth transfer of your course work abroad back to your home institution, so that your academic work abroad is recognized on your HdM transcript:
Learning Agreement: Before you go abroad for the semester or year, meet with your Academic Department Head to determine which classes at the host institution would best suit your study program. With this form, students predetermine courses to be taken abroad. Students then meet with their academic advisor or department head to learn how and if the courses will fulfill requirements for the major.
Transcript of Records: At the end of your semester abroad, you will receive a transcript from the host university, as well as a form called "Recognition / Admission of Study and Examinations".
The Deans of Studies are responsible for recognizing the examinations of the respective degree programs and for articulating the credit to your HdM transcript.