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334073a Visual Design Workshop

Zuletzt geändert:26.02.2024 / Tille
Studiengänge: Informationsdesign (Bachelor, 7 Semester), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Visual Design Workshop in Semester 3 4 6 7
Häufigkeit: S24
Studienübergreifendes Angebot - Minors, Prüfungsleistung im Modul Visual Design Workshop in Semester 1
Häufigkeit: S24
Dozent: Prof. Ralph Tille
Sprache: Deutsch
Art: -
Umfang: 2 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 5
Beschreibung: Info für Studierende aus anderen Studiengängen:
Im SoSe 2024 sind wir komplett ausgebucht!
Stand: 26.02.24 | Prof. Tille

English Description:
In this seminar we deepen both the psychological and the creative basics for information visualization. We train the skills for the analysis and independent implementation of visual representations:
    Layout principles
        Visual hierarchies
          Chart Types
            Plots for qualitative/quantitative data
              Transmission of core statements & messages

              The seminar is designed to deepen the visual design process. It is intended to work on exercises, subtasks and an overall task. Sufficient space is planned for correction meetings.
              The aim is to train important visual and psychological basics for directing attention and conveying information. In terms of content, we work in the field of infographics, information visualization and poster or billboard design for online and offline media.

              We will probably work in tandem teams. Each team member develops individual aspects, but always has one person for exchange and discussion, and both work towards a goal. During and after the event, the visual repertoire should be expanded, consolidated and professionalized. You are able to analyze other people's and your own visualizations or posters, but also independently and in a focused manner to implement your own designs. The practical and artistic use of typical design tools (sketches, analog/digital, illustration, Photoshop, etc.) is trained.
              English Abstract: The seminar is designed to deepen the visual design process. It is intended to work on exercises, subtasks and an overall task. Sufficient space is planned for correction meetings.
              The aim is to train important visual and psychological basics for directing attention and conveying information. In terms of content, we work in the field of infographics, information visualization and poster or billboard design for online and offline media.