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Modul Game Design

Modul:143410 Game Design (Wahlpflichtmodul im Hauptstudium)
Modulverantwortlicher:Prof. Dr. Sabiha Ghellal
ECTS-min./max.: 5 / 5
Modulprüfung: PA
Lernergebnisse:Content of the Lecture: Game Design Theory What is Game Design Player Types Game Design Principles Game Design Patterns Game Mechanics Game based Graphics Design Game User Interface Design Interaction Design & Game Flow Game Design Process Game Design Creativity Workshops We will organize a number of Workshops after we learned about the Game Design Theory Tools (You are asked to learn those tools selfsufficiently!) Graphics 2D Photoshop Prototyping http://proto.io/ https://www.scirra.com/construct2 Assignment : A high-fidelity Prototype of a Mobile Game (a self-explanatory Click Prototype) Goal of the Lecture: Learn about game design theory (with an emphasis on Mobile Games) Enable Students to design mobile games! Ability to read mobile game design and understands what makes them appealing/fun. Understand the Language (GUID, UID, IXD, UXD & Game Design) Improve drawing, interaction and layout skills Understand Aesthetics of Game Design
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143410a Game Design - 2 5
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