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Modul Experience Design

Modul:147120 Experience Design (Pflichtmodul im Grundstudium)
Modulverantwortlicher:Prof. Dr. Sabiha Ghellal
ECTS-min./max.: 5 / 5
Workload: Seminar: 15 Termine zu je 2 SWS = 22,5 Zeitstunden Vor- bzw. Nachbereitung + Übungen: 4 Termine zu je 4 Lehrstunden = 16 Zeitstunden Entwurfserstellung: 8 Tage zu je 8 Zeitstunden = 64 Zeitstunden Selbstständiges Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten: 6 Tage zu je 8 Zeitstunden = 48 Zeitstunden Gesamter Zeitaufwand (Workload) = 150 Zeitstunden
Modulprüfung: PA
Formale Zulassungsvoraussetzungen: keine
Lernergebnisse:In the realm of media studies, experience design embodies a human-centric strategy that delves beyond mere inclusion of individuals in the design process; it champions the integration of human essence into the very fabric of design. This seminar aims to explore pivotal theories and design methodologies, such as Dom Norman's "Designing for a Better World" (2023) and Schneidermann's human-centered AI (2022), aiming to dissect and challenge the means by which we create systems that cater authentically to human needs. The seminar's objective hinges on the application of Research through Design (RtD), an approach that drives the pursuit of fresh insights. Our methodology involves comprehending the existing landscape of a chosen subject—like inclusive design—and envisioning an enhanced future state through tangible design solutions. This process entails profound introspection, a cyclic understanding of people, problems, and contextual nuances, empowering us as researchers to craft improvements where they're deemed necessary. By traversing the theory of XD within a transmedia framework and recognizing the profound implications of psychological needs, participants will explore cutting-edge experiential trends. We'll harness these insights—encompassing persuasive design, gamification, and mixed reality—and weave them into our designs. This seminar champions empirical studies, validating research assumptions that pivot on fundamental human needs. Beyond comprehending and applying a user-centered experience design ethos, the seminar imparts an understanding of cultivating sustainable experiences. It stimulates critical discourse on how an iterative design process catalyzes the creation of holistic, innovative experiences. Participants will culminate this journey by crafting a scientific paper that elucidates their RtD research findings, solidifying their grasp on this multifaceted landscape.
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147120a Experience Design - 2 5
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