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Modul Advanced Lab - Color Management

Modul:181439 Advanced Lab - Color Management (Wahlpflichtmodul im Grundstudium)
Modulverantwortlicher:Prof. Dr. Stefan Güttler
ECTS-min./max.: 4 / 4
Workload: Advanced Lab Color Management:
14 sessions of 1,5h each = 21h
Self-dependent project work in working groups: 80h
Project documentation: 19h
Workload: 120h in total = 4ECTS
Modulprüfung: PA
Formale Zulassungsvoraussetzungen: This is an advanced lab course. Basic skills in Adobe InDesign, and a fundamental knowledge in color management are required as they are taught in the course 181222 Pre-Media Technology and Colour.

Lernergebnisse:Learning Outcomes:

Color management is crucial for a faithful color reproduction and indispensable in any professional print workflow. Color reproduction standards are highest in the packaging industry because brand owners require a faithful reproduction of their custom colors on any packaging material (carton, film). Custom colors (e.g., Coca Cola red, Milka violet, Toblerone yellow) are often highly saturated colors which cannot be reproduced in a 4C process. In analog printing (flexography, gravure, lithography) custom colors are usually printed as solid spot color (i.e., not mixed from process colors). A more recent development is multicolor printing, i.e., enlarging the color gamut with additional process colors, usually violet, orange, green. This is the preferred approach in digital printing (HP Indigo).

The objective of the course is a thorough understanding of 4C and multicolor workflows with an emphasis on digital packaging printing. Students get a sense of color gamuts and how strongly they differ. They learn to implement 4C and multicolor workflows for the HP Indigo press. In a series of experiments and small projects the outcomes of 4C and multicolor workflows are compared by measurements and visual inspection. Students learn which applications are critical and how to ensure a faithful color reproduction.

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EDV-Nr Lehrveranstaltung Art  SWS  ECTS  Prüfungsform
181439a Advanced Lab - Color Management - 2 4
* kennzeichnet Prüfungsvorleistungen