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Modul Technology and Media Ethics

Modul:226310 Technology and Media Ethics (Pflichtmodul im Grundstudium), Minor: Journalismen Creation Management
Modulverantwortlicher:Prof. Dr. Alexander Mäder
ECTS-min./max.: 4 / 4
Workload: lectures: 30 hours
reading and exercises: 45 hours
case study as semester project: 45 hours
sum: 120 hours
Modulprüfung: PA
Lernergebnisse:You will learn to distinguish ethical aspects from factual questions. You will be able to discuss how ethical considerations can guide decisions and actions. You will gain experience in defining core concepts and analyzing the arguments for ethical positions. In a semester project, you will develop an ethical solution for a real-world case.
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226310a Technology and Media Ethics - 2 4
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