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Modul User Interface Design

(User Interface Design)

Modul:119320 User Interface Design (Pflichtmodul im Grundstudium), Minor: Visual Communication
Modulverantwortlicher:Prof. Dr. Sabiha Ghellal
ECTS-min./max.: 5 / 5
Workload: Seminar: 15 Termine zu je 4 SWS = 45 Zeitstunden Vor- bzw. Nachbereitung +
Übungen: 15 Termine zu je 4 Lehrstunden = 60 Zeitstunden
Gesamter Zeitaufwand (Workload) = 145 Zeitstunden
Modulprüfung: PA
Lernergebnisse:Please note that UID is part of an international study program the lecture will be held in English.

The purpose of this praxis-oriented seminar is to design innovative Human-Computer Interfaces based on a human-centered design, this will entail:

1. Students will learn to read, distinguish and critically discuss Usability, HID (Human Interface Design), Screen design, Graphic Design, Interaction Design and Experience design aspects. Here, Students will be asked to analyze existing systems based on design principles.
2. In workshops, students will apply state of the art creativity tools and focus on HCD (Human-Centered Design) and IDEO methods.
3. In teams (2-5) Students will analyze state of the art interaction and design trends for a selected domain and present the results as part of a "pitch" presentation.
4. Students will design systems based on Interface, Interaction and experience design using state of the art prototyping (functional, graphics and interactive prototyping tools)
5. Continuously evaluate the prototypes with potential users and redesign the prototype based on user feedback.
The seminar will be marked based on the developed prototype and its associating documentation.
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EDV-Nr Lehrveranstaltung Art  SWS  ECTS  Prüfungsform
119320a User Interface Design Flipped Classroom 4 5
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