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Modul Current Aspects of Packaging

Modul:116849 Current Aspects of Packaging (Wahlpflichtmodul im Hauptstudium)
Modulverantwortlicher:Prof. Dr. Martin Dreher
ECTS-min./max.: 5 / 5
Workload: 15 days of 2 SWS each = 22,5 hours
Preparation and wrap-up: 15 days of 2 SWS each = 22,5 hours
Preparation of thesis/expose = 85 hours
Preparation of presentation = 20 hours
Entire time requirement (Workload) = 150 hours
Modulprüfung: LA
Lernergebnisse:The English language is mandatory in business today. The participants therefore need to practice and demonstrate their language skills, both in written and in spoken format. The respective thesis to be written as a homework helps to practice specialist termini from the packaging realm and to use them correctly in their context. With the presentation the application of the spoken word, uttered in public, is to be practised.
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Voraussetzung für dieses Modul: -
Dieses Modul ist Voraussetzung für:-
Bemerkung:c) Voraussetzung: Englisch Sprachniveau B2
beinhaltet folgende Lehrveranstaltung(-en):
EDV-Nr Lehrveranstaltung Art  SWS  ECTS  Prüfungsform
116849a Current Aspects of Packaging - 2 5
* kennzeichnet Prüfungsvorleistungen