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337050a International Media Research

Zuletzt geändert:19.08.2021 / von Carlsburg
Studiengänge: Informationsdesign (Bachelor, 7 Semester), Prüfungsleistung im Modul International Media Research in Semester 7
Häufigkeit: unregelmäßig
Online-Medien-Management (Bachelor, 7 Semester) , Prüfungsleistung im Modul International Media Research in Semester 3 6 7
Häufigkeit: unregelmäßig
Wirtschaftsinformatik und digitale Medien (Bachelor, 7 Semester) , Prüfungsleistung im Modul International Media Research in Semester 7
Häufigkeit: unregelmäßig
Sprache: Englisch
Art: S
Umfang: 2 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 5
Workload: 5 ECTS = 150 hours
    International Media Research is an online course. You will find all course materials and tasks on Moodle.
    In this course you get to know the key components and requirements of academic/scientific research.
    You will be introduced to the basic ideas behind qualitative and quantitative research as well as mixed methods approaches.
    The course will support you with every step of the research process: from developing a research topic, finding sources, collecting, analysing and interpreting data to writing up and presenting one’s findings.
    An overarching question dealing with media will be defined. The aim is to understand and compare the use of media in various countries.
    Incoming students are working together with German students to enhance mutual learning. Practical, hands-on lessons will give you the opportunity to share your ideas with fellow researchers, to receive peer feedback on your research proposals and enable you to review and comment on the work of other researchers.
English Title: International Media Research
English Abstract:
    International Media Research is an online course. You will find all course materials and tasks on Moodle.
    In this course you get to know the key components and requirements of academic/scientific research.
    You will be introduced to the basic ideas behind qualitative and quantitative research as well as mixed methods approaches.
    The course will support you with every step of the research process: from developing a research topic, finding sources, collecting, analysing and interpreting data to writing up and presenting one’s findings.
    An overarching question dealing with media will be defined. The aim is to understand and compare the use of media in various countries.
    Incoming students are working together with German students to enhance mutual learning. Practical, hands-on lessons will give you the opportunity to share your ideas with fellow researchers, to receive peer feedback on your research proposals and enable you to review and comment on the work of other researchers.
Internet: https://e-learning.hdm-stuttgart.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=1678