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337087a Multimedia Fundamentals

Zuletzt geändert:28.05.2024 / Mullaewa
Studiengänge: Online-Medien-Management (Bachelor, 7 Semester) , Prüfungsleistung im Modul Media Production in Semester 3
Häufigkeit: immer
Social Media Marketing & Management, (Bachelor, 7 Semester, Zulassung ab Wintersemester 2024/2025), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Media Production in Semester 2
Häufigkeit: unregelmäßig
Studienübergreifendes Angebot - Minors, Prüfungsleistung im Modul Media Production in Semester 1
Häufigkeit: immer
Dozent: Sören Graubner
Sprache: Englisch
Art: -
Umfang: 2 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 1
Workload: 1 ECTS corresponds to 30 hours:
  • 22,5 hours for theoretical input
  • 7,5 hours for individual coaching
Inhaltliche Verbindung zu anderen Lehrveranstaltungen im Modul: This course is the theoretical part for 337087b Media Production where practical media productions are conducted.
Bemerkung zur Veranstaltung: Englisch
Beschreibung: This course features the following topics:
  • Production process and idea generation
  • Dramaturgy and storytelling
  • Camera and shooting techniques
  • Lighting techniques
  • Editing techniques
  • Basic video and audio technologies
  • Basic video effects and visual effects
  • Sound design
  • Legal issues

After visiting this course, students will:
  • understand the fundamentals of media productions for online media with a focus on business video
  • know the steps in the production process
  • understand the relevant theoretical filming techniques
  • understand the technological basics
  • know legal issues in media productions
English Title: Multimedia Fundamentals
English Abstract: This course is the theoretical part for 337087b Media Production where practical media productions are conducted. It features the following issues:
  • Production process and idea generation
  • Dramaturgy and storytelling
  • Camera and shooting techniques
  • Lighting techniques
  • Editing techniques
  • Basic video and audio technologies
  • Basic video effects and visual effects
  • Sound design
  • Legal issues