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223333a Investition, Finanzierung und Unternehmensbesteuerung

Zuletzt geändert:21.06.2023 / Özkan
Studiengänge: Digital- und Medienwirtschaft (Bachelor, 7 Semester, Zulassung ab Wintersemester 2023/2024), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Spezielle BWL: Investition, Finanzierung und Entrepreneurship in Semester 4 6 7
Häufigkeit: S25
Medienwirtschaft (Bachelor, 7 Semester), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Spezielle BWL: Investition, Finanzierung und Entrepreneurship in Semester 4 6 7
Häufigkeit: S24; W24/25
Social Media Marketing & Management, (Bachelor, 7 Semester, Zulassung ab Wintersemester 2024/2025), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Spezielle BWL: Investition, Finanzierung und Entrepreneurship in Semester
Häufigkeit: unregelmäßig
Studienübergreifendes Angebot - Minors, Prüfungsleistung im Modul Spezielle BWL: Investition, Finanzierung und Entrepreneurship in Semester 1
Häufigkeit: immer
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Nils Högsdal Manuel Kaiser
Sprache: Deutsch und Englisch
Art: -
Umfang: 2 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 3
English Abstract: Bachelor Level Course (Typically taken during 3rd or 4th year, however, may be taken before if requirements are fulfilled) Course No 223333 Teaching language English with very few exceptions Credits (ECTS) 6 ECTS (3 ECTS if you only take part in the Boot Camp) Teaching/learning methodology Interactive lecture, group work, challenges and online materials. Total workload Course: 60 hours teaching time + preparation and follow-up work as well as reading 60 hours + term paper/presentation: 60 hours = Total Workload: 180 hours Contact hours per week 4 hours per week for 8-10 weeks + 2.5 day Boot camp or participation in the startup weekend Type of exam Group or Individual term paper/Validated business concept Learning outcomes 1. Students will be able to define, identify and/or apply the principles of entrepreneurial as a discipline with a focus on the lean startup approach 2. Students will be able to define, identify and/or apply the principles of viability of businesses, new business proposals, and opportunities within existing business; 3. Students will be able to define, identify and/or apply the differences between a business model and a business plan 4. Students will be able to define, identify and/or apply the principles of entrepreneurial marketing with a focus on the traction approach; 5. Students will be able to define, identify and/or apply the principles of developing a financial model 6. Students will be able to define, identify and/or apply the principles of new venture financing, growth financing and valuation both for startups and existing businesses Abstract This course enables students to turn an innovative idea into a business- and financial model. Module one of the course looks at the relevant methods for investment and financing decisions, including: business cases and business plans. Module two of the course typically takes place offsite in an intensive 3-day workshop with a strong focus on action learning. Utilizing lean startup methodology, participants will validate their hypothesis and develop a fully-fledged business model with a focus on the product-market fit. Contents/Indicative syllabus 1. Entrepreneurship as a discipline 2. The Lean Startup Approach 3. Business Cases and Business Plans 4. Investment appraisals 5. Business Models and the fits on the way to a business model 6. Problem Solution Fit 7. Product Market Fit and Protoytping 8. Market and Competiton 9. Traction 10. Business Model Fit 10. Financial Modelling 11. Financing for Startups and Investment readiness level 12. The Value of a business Steven Gary Blank, Bob Dorf (2012): The Startup Owner’s Manual: The Step-by-Step Guide for Building a Great Company. Eric Ries (2017): The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur, Gregory Bernarda, Alan Smith, Trish Papadakos (2014) Value Proposition Design: How to Create Products and Services Customers Want. Alexander Osterwalder, Yves Pigneur (2010): Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers. Oliver Gassmann, Karolin Frankenberger, Michaela Csik (2014) The Business Model Navigator: 55 Models That Will Revolutionise Your Business. Gabriel Weinberg, Justin Mares (2015): Traction: How Any Startup Can Achieve Explosive Customer Growth. Marc Gruber, Sharon Tal (2017): Where To Play: 3 steps for discovering your most valuable market opportunities. Eric Ries (2017): The Startup Way: How Entrepreneurial Management Transforms Culture and Drives Growth. Supplemental texts (typically individual chapters) will used; students will find the information in the Moodle-Course online Blank, Steve, Dorf, Bob, Högsdal, Nils, Bartel, Daniel (2015): Das Handbuch für Startups - die deutsche Ausgabe von "The Startup Owner's Manual" Brem, Alexander Brem, Brem, Stefanie (2019): Die Kreativ-Toolbox für Unternehmen Ideen generieren und innovatives Denken fördern Freiling, Jörg, Harima, Jan (2019): Entrepreneurship. Gründung und Skalierung von Startups Fritsch, Michael (2019): Entrepreneurship. Theorie, Empirie, Politik Kuckertz, Andreas (2015): Management: Entrepreneurial Marketing Schädel, Nicolai (2020): Wirtschaftsrecht für Hightech-Start-ups Die Mehrzahl der Bücher steht Ihnen über die Online-Bibliothek kostenlos zur Verfügung. Weblinks www.asap-bw.com www.inno-tools.com https://de.udacity.com/course/how-to-build-a-startup--ep245