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721324a Media Production

Zuletzt geändert:03.06.2024 / Fahrbach
Studiengänge: Studienübergreifendes Angebot - Minors, Prüfungsleistung im Modul Media Production in Semester 1
Häufigkeit: nur SS
Dozent: Prof. Boris Michalski Elaine Niesner
Link zur Veranstaltung / zum E-Learning-Kurs: https://e-learning.hdm-stuttgart.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=2972
Sprache: Englisch
Art: -
Umfang: 6 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 16
Workload: Conception: 120 hours + Packaging / Preparation: 180 hours + Realization / Presentation: 180 hours = Total Workload: 480 hours
Bemerkung zur Veranstaltung: Minor Englisch
Beschreibung: This lecture aims to deliver a basic understanding and practice special skills applied in media conception and realization for the field of audiovisual media. The participants will acquire basics knowledge in projektmanagement, teammanagement and various methods for developing and organize media projects. Abstract PHASE I: Students will work in teams to develop ideas for a fiction or non-ficton project.. Students describe and prototype the ideas in a concept and present them in a final production package. PHASE II: Students will work in teams to prepare and implement their ideas/concepts in a moving images media format.
English Title: Media Production
English Abstract: This class will be organized on Moodle. Please register on the Moodle Plattform:

This lecture aims to deliver a basic understanding and practice special skills applied in media conception and realization for the field of audiovisual media. The participants will acquire basics knowledge in projektmanagement, teammanagement and various methods for developing and organize media projects.
PHASE I: Students will work in teams to develop ideas for a fiction or non-ficton project. Students describe and prototype the ideas in a concept and present them in a final production package.
PHASE II: Students will work in teams to prepare and implement their ideas/concepts in a moving images media format.