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369310a Programming for Data Science

Zuletzt geändert:05.03.2020 / von Carlsburg
Sprache: Deutsch
Art: -
Umfang: 4 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 6
English Title: Programming for Data Science
English Abstract: This course provides a general introduction into two of the most important programming languages for data science: Python and R. The first half of the course is dedicated to Python. R is subject of the second half. Both languages are taught in a quite general, not an application-specific, manner. However, the focus on data science is reflected in the examples and exercises. For both languages a vast variety of packages for all types of applications is available. The most important packages for data science are shortly introduced. The programming skills provided by this course are required for the implementation of entire data mining process chains. Hence, the successful assigment of this course is a prerequisity for the modul Data Mining Process: Algorithms and Implementation.