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181100b Exercises in Mathematics

Zuletzt geändert:18.03.2022 / Güttler
Studiengänge: Print Media Technologies (Bachelor, 7 Semester), Prüfungsvorleistung im Modul Mathematics for Engineers in Semester 1
Häufigkeit: nur WS
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Stefan Güttler David Zimmer
Link zur Veranstaltung / zum E-Learning-Kurs: https://e-learning.hdm-stuttgart.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=3726
Sprache: Englisch
Art: -
Umfang: 2 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 3
Workload: Exercises in Mathematics:
14 sessions of 1,5h each = 21h
Self-dependent solving of exercises and preparation for the midterm exam: 69h
Workload: 90h in total = 3ECTS
Inhaltliche Verbindung zu anderen Lehrveranstaltungen im Modul: 181100a Mathematics for Engineers
Prüfungsform: T
Bemerkung zur Veranstaltung: Englisch
Beschreibung: Weekly or biweekly exercises complement the lecture on Mathematics for Engineers. Students are expected to solve them self-dependently (or in learning groups). The exercises are an important building block in the Mathematics for Engineers course, and the faculty to solve them is indispensable for reaching the learning goal (passing the exams).
English Title: Exercises in Mathematics