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146109a Digitale Transformation

Zuletzt geändert:31.05.2022 / von Carlsburg
Studiengänge: Crossmedia Publishing & Management (Master), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Digitale Transformation in Semester 1
Häufigkeit: nur WS
Dozent: Steffen Meier
Sprache: Deutsch
Art: -
Umfang: 4 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 5
Beschreibung: Information Technology (IT) is changing the world around us. This course will provide an understanding of IT-enabled changes in the business environment, and how insightful executives leverage IT to create value and win competitive battles.
English Title: Digital Transformation
Internet: Studies, reports, information resources (on the Internet):
Word Economic Forum - Digital Transformation Initiative (DTI)http://reports.weforum.org/digital-transformation/ Growing opportunities in the Internet of Things (McKinsey, 2019)
Growing opportunities in the Internet of Things (McKinsey, 2019) Capgemini: Digital Transformation Review (12th Edition)
Capgemini: Digital Transformation Review (12th Edition) BITKOM: Documents on Digital Transformation (German)
BITKOM: Documents on Digital Transformation (German) Frobes: Four Guidelines For Success In Innovation In Digital Transformation
Frobes: Four Guidelines For Success In Innovation In Digital Transformation Accenture: THE POWER OF THE DATA-DRIVEN ENTERPRISE inluding further Links Accenture: THE POWER OF THE DATA-DRIVEN ENTERPRISE inluding further Links Accenture: BECOMING A DATA-DRIVEN ENTERPRISE