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337052a Popular Culture

Zuletzt geändert:02.09.2019 / von Carlsburg
Sprache: Englisch
Art: S
Umfang: 2 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 5
Workload: 2 SWS / 5 ECTS = 150 hrs Workload Please read the introductions of Storey's key works (see reading list below) BEFORE the first session!
Prüfungsform: -
Beschreibung: • What is popular culture? • Studying popular culture • Mass Media and Popular Culture: TV, Music, Internet and Virtual Communities • Special cases of pop culture: folk art, body art, food, sports and rituals
English Title: Pop Culture ( Note: max. 20 students can attend )
English Abstract: This course is open to all students, particularly welcome are our international students. The course will be taught in the very first week of the semester during two full days. It consists of input lectures, discussions, research time, presentations and interactions and a written assignment.
Literatur: Fedorak, S.A., 2009: Pop Culture: the culture of everyday life, University of Toronto Press Sigler, C., 2011: Folien der Vorlesung Pop Culture and the Mass Media Storey, J., 2012: Cultural Theory and Popular Culture, An Introdution, 6th edition, Pearson Storey, J., 2003, Cultural Studies and the Study of Popular Culture, Pearson

Weitere Literatur finden Sie in der HdM-Bibliothek.