34318 Globale Medienmärkte und Kommunikation
Zuletzt geändert: | 02.09.2019 / Zöllner |
EDV-Nr: | 34318 |
Studiengänge: | |
Dozent: | |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Art: | S |
Umfang: | 2 SWS |
ECTS-Punkte: | 3 |
Workload: |
15 Termine zu je 2 SWS = 22,5 Zeitstunden Vor- bzw. Nachbereitung: 15 Termine zu je 1,5 Zeitstunden = 22,5 Zeitstunden Referat und Studienarbeit: 9 Tage zu je 5 Zeitstunden = 45 Zeitstunden Gesamter Zeitaufwand (Workload) = 90 Zeitstunden |
Prüfungsform: | ST, 4 Wo + RE |
Veranstaltung ist Basiswissen für folgende Module / Lehrveranstaltungen: | -/- |
Beschreibung: |
Im Wintersemester 2015/16 steht das Seminar unter dem thematischen Titel "International communication: Nation Branding and Public Diplomacy". Der Kurs wird in englischer Sprache angeboten. About this course: In the context of globalisation and mediatisation, nation-states are increasingly seen as marketable, immaterial goods. This is where nation branding sets in. Like a global corporation or a commodified product, a nation-state can be 'branded', or so it seems. A brand focuses on image, reputation, and certain values. A country with a bad image or reputation, or one standing for values refuted by the majority of relevant stakeholders, or a country with no image or reputation at all, will likely be left behind in the competition for access to monetary and intellectual resources, and may therefore lose out in the sociopolitical arena of influence and power. It's all about 'competitive identity', a perhaps more fashionable term. Related to nation branding, the rather old, but recently rejuvenated concept of public diplomacy is looking at forming ties with other countries or societies by way of cultural-based public relations. This may present itself as an honest attempt at intercultural dialogue in some cases, or as just another way of self-appraisal in order to create a better image of one's country - or simply as propaganda, as critics say (and they're not always wrong). In this course we will be looking into concepts of both public diplomacy and nation branding, and see how and where they overlap. Related areas such as marketing, public relations and propaganda will be covered, too. Students will develop research questions of their own and will present examples of how nation-states actively go about branding themselves, how such countries perform public diplomacy, with what kinds of messages, what types of actions, for what target groups, and why they do this. #public_diplomacy #nation_branding #competitive_identity #marketing #PR #reputation_management #culture #analysis |
English Title: | Global Media Markets and Communication |
English Abstract: | This course is an introduction to the study of international media markets and communication processes in the context of globalisation. Each course will focus on a particular topical issue that participants will seek to analyse in depth. |
Literatur: |
OVERVIEWS AND INTRODUCTIONS: Anholt, Simon (2007): Competitive identity: The new brand management for nations, cities and regions. Basingstoke, New York. Anholt, Simon (2010): Places: Identity, images and reputation. Basingstoke, New York. Aronczyk, Melissa (2013): Branding the nation: The global business of national identity. Oxford, New York. Dinnie, Keith (2016): Nation branding: Concepts, issues, practice. 2nd ed. London, New York. Leonard, Mark (2002): Public diplomacy. London [Download] Melissen, Jan (ed.) (2005): The new public diplomacy: Soft power in international relations. Basingstoke, New York. McPhail, Thomas L. (2014): Global communication: Theories, stakeholders, and trends. 4th ed. Malden, Chichester. Snow, Nancy / Taylor, Philip M. (eds.) (2009): The Routledge handbook of public diplomacy. New York, London. For your own research endeavours, you may find a more detailed reading list on public diplomacy and nation branding here. Weitere Literatur finden Sie in der HdM-Bibliothek. |
Internet: |
Center on Public Diplomacy, University of Southern California (USA) - and especially their PD Hub with loads of resources to check out! » Journal: 'Public Diplomacy Magazine' » Journal: 'Place Branding and Public Diplomacy" (ISSN 1751-8040) » The Foreign Policy Centre (UK) » IdentityLab (Germany) » Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (Germany) » Anholt-GfK Roper's Nation Brands Index » FutureBrand's Country Brand Index » Nation-Branding.info: "Everything about Nation Branding and Country Brands" » Research Center Nation Branding der Hochschule RheinMain, Wiesbaden Useful Twitter profiles you may consider following: • @PublicDiplomacy • @PublicDiplo • @PDCouncil • @PD_mag • @PDCommission • @DigiDiplomats • @_NationBranding • @CountryBranding • @JanMDiplo • @SimonAnholt |