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224352a Zeitbasierte Medien

Zuletzt geändert:19.06.2023 / von Carlsburg
Sprache: Englisch
Art: V
Umfang: 4 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 5
Workload: Praktikum/Projekt:
15 Termine zu je 4 SWS = 45 Zeitstunden
Vor- bzw. Nachbereitung:
15 Termine zu je 4 SWS = 45 Zeitstunden
Anfertigen des Entwurfs:
7,5 Tage zu je 8 Zeitstunden = 60 Zeitstunden
Gesamter Zeitaufwand (Workload) = 150 Zeitstunden
Inhaltliche Verbindung zu anderen Lehrveranstaltungen im Modul: -
Bemerkung zur Veranstaltung: Teilnehmerbeschränkung, Englisch
Beschreibung: Overview: In this course students will be introduced to design principles for creating time based media content for advertising & communication campaigns. It aims to enable students to creatively communicate 'an advertising message' with the help of time based media. This course therefore focuses on teaching a) the design principles b) the processes and tools c) the practical skills for designing content for these channels in form of Web Ads, Video Ads, Interactive Online Content as well as a simple Landing pages. Further, students will learn how to integrate these contents into a fully functional website, using a content management system.

The course consists of theoretical introductions to relevant topics as well as hands-on exercises of creating digital contents.

During the course students will sketch their own digital advertisement campaign for a product or service (team or individual work) of their choice. Based on this concept, students will create a set of digital media materials during the entire lecture series, that will be integrated at the end into a functional website, using a content management system.

The software tools introduced are Adobe Photoshop, Flash, Premiere and CMS systems e.g. Blogger, Wordpress, Jimdoo, Typo 3.

As the final project task, students (team or individual work) will have to design a crossmedia campaign concept for a product or service of their choice, and then design and produce the related contents in form of Web Ads, Audio Ads, Video Ads, Interactive Online content and a Landing page that integrates all these materials.

The course will be held mainly in English and teaching materials will be available mostly in English. German may be used occasionally as a means of help to students

The course will be marked based on the final projects:
1) quality of the concept design for a digital ad campaign that has to be created
2) quality of the production of related digital content - based on the skills learned
3) quality of the documentation that relates to it.

Content (overview):

Lecture 1 Media analysis & Strategy-led concept design
Lecture 2 Web Ads 1: Static banner Ad
Lecture 3 Web Ads 2: Animated Banner Ad (Frame by frame)
Lecture 4 Web Ads 3: Animated Banner Ad (Flash) & Animated Video
Lecture 5 Interactive online content 1: Product Configurator
Lecture 6 Interactive online content 2: Product Configurator
Lecture 7 Interactive online content 3: Product Configurator
Lecture 8 Video Ads 1: Ad-hoc 1 minute advertising video clip
Lecture 9 Video Ads 2: Videoclip - conception, shooting, editing
Lecture 10 Landing page: CMS Content Management Systems
Lecture 11 Augmented reality in Advertising
Lecture 12 Special topics (optional if time available)
Lecture 13 Working on final project
Lecture 14 Working on final project

Content (detailed):
Lecture 1 Media analysis & Strategy-led concept design
  • Introduction to digital advertising & communication concepts and strategies
  • Crossmedia vs. Transmedia campaigns
  • Introduction on how to write a strategy-led creative brief or ‘rationale’ for a digital marketing or advertising campaign for a particular product or service.

  • Lecture 2 Web Ads 1: Static banner Ad
  • Introduction to Display Advertising
  • Introduction to static Banner Ad design principles and guidelines
  • Hands-­on Exercises:
  • Introduction to Adobe Photoshop basics
  • Static Banner Ad creation with Photoshop
  • Group discussion and reflection on exercise results

  • Lecture 3 Web Ads 2: Animated Banner Ad (Frame by frame)
  • Introduction to graphic animation: History, design Principles
  • Introduction to animated Banner Ad design principles and guidelines
  • Hands-­on Exercises:
  • Creating Animated Banner Ads with Photoshop (Frame by frame)
  • Integrating banner ads into a website (static & animated)
  • Group discussion on exercise results

  • Lecture 4 Web Ads 3: Animated Banner Ad (Flash) & Animated Video
  • Introduction to Adobe Flash UI & basics
  • Hands-­on Exercises:
  • Creating Animated Banner Ads with Adobe Flash
  • Publishing Flash content to the web
  • Introduction to Animated Videos
  • Hands-­on Exercises:
  • 'Form tween' animations, into to 'movie clips'
  • Creating an animated graphics video clip with Adobe Flash
  • Group discussion on exercise results

  • Lecture 5 Interactive online content 1: Product Configurator
  • Introduction into how to design an interactive ‘Build your own' product - configurator for a landing page
  • What are the assumptions and benefits of interactive content from a social and behavioral sciences point of view in regards to advertising? Which are the resulting design parameters?
  • Introduction to simple 'action script' coding
  • Hands-­on Exercises:
  • Working with decisions and buttons
  • Creating an interactive product configurator with Adobe Flash

  • Lecture 6 Interactive online content 2: Product Configurator
  • Hands-­on Exercises:
  • Creating an interactive product configurator with Adobe Flash

  • Lecture 7 Interactive online content 3: Product Configurator
  • Hands-­on Exercises:
  • Creating an interactive product configurator with Adobe Flash
  • Group discussion on exercise results

  • Lecture 8 Video Ads 1: Ad-hoc 1 minute advertising video clip
  • Your team acts as a advertising agency making a short 1 minute video clip for self promotion
  • Shoot video source material with iPads, time: 40 min
  • Introduction to video cutting, adding effects, titles with Adobe Premiere
  • Hands-­on Exercise: Editing the recorded video materials into a 1 min. clip
  • Group discussion on exercise results

  • Lecture 9 Video Ads 2: Videoclip - conception, shooting, editing
  • How do Video Ads 'work' from a social and behavioral sciences point of view? Which are the resulting design parameters?
  • Introduction to video clip conception for TV, internet, cinema and corporate film:
  • Introduction on how to write an Exposé & Script
  • Introduction on how to create a Storyboard (scribble & photo based)
  • Hands-­on Exercise:
  • Create a storyboard
  • Introduction video shooting:
  • Planning (team, equipment, location, protagonists, time scheduling, ...)
  • Shooting (shooting angles & axes, framing, establishing shot, etc.)
  • Introduction video editing:
  • How to tell the story
  • How to give rhythm
  • How to create atmosphere, …
  • Re-work the video clip created in previous lecture
  • Group discussion on exercise results

  • Lecture 10 Landing page: CMS Content Management Systems
  • Introduction to creating & managing online content via Content Management System; Blogger, Wordpress, Jimdoo, Typo 3.
  • Hands-on Exercise: How to create and configure a Blog and integrate digital content
  • Integrating web banner ads (static & animated)
  • Integrating images and texts
  • Integrating interactive elements such as a product configurator
  • Integrating an Audio Ad clip via HTML5 code
  • Integrating an Video Ad clip via HTML5 code
  • Integrating social plug-ins
  • Integrating widgets and Gadgets

  • Lecture 11 Augmented reality in Advertising
  • Introduction to practical use cases and tools
  • Interactive print ads: Activate print with digital content
  • New Era of Brand Engagement
  • Hands-on Exercise: Experimenting with LayAr tool to activate print Ads with digital video via smartphone

  • Lecture 12 Special topics (optional if time available)
  • iBook - how to create an iBook and test it on an iPad
  • Google AdSense and Adverts - how to apply it in practice
  • SEO - How to apply search engine optimization in practice

  • Lecture 13 Working on final project
  • Each project group reports their progress; feedback; questions; help.

  • Lecture 14 Working on final project
  • Each project group reports their progress; feedback; questions; help.

  • English Title: Time-based Media
    English Abstract: This course will NOT be offered in WS22/23

    In this course students will be introduced to design principles for creating time based media content for advertising & communication campaigns. It aims to enable students to creatively communicate 'an advertising message' with the help of time based media. By doing first some media analyses we look into examples on how time based media is used in radio, TV, cinema and Internet. The introduction of crossmedia vs. transmedia campaign concepts highlights how these channels can be used in combination as a means for effective advertisement. However designing content for each of these channels for matching certain target groups is challenging and needs to be strategy-led and motivated by knowledge from the field of sociological and behavioral sciences. This course therefore focuses on teaching a) the design principles b) the processes and tools c) the practical skills for designing content for these channels in form of Web Ads, Video Ads, Interactive Online Content as well as a simple Landing pages. Further, students will learn how to integrate these contents into a functional website, using a content management system.

    The course consists of theoretical introductions to relevant topics as well as hands-on exercises of creating digital contents.

    During the course students will sketch their own digital advertisement campaign for a product or service (team or individual work) of their choice. Based on this concept, students will create a set of digital media materials during the entire lecture series, that will be integrated at the end into a functional website, using a content management system.

    The software tools introduced are Adobe Photoshop, Flash, Premiere and CMS systems e.g. Blogger, Wordpress, Jimdoo, Typo 3.

    As the final project task, students (team or individual work) will have to design a crossmedia campaign concept for a product or service of their choice, and then design and produce the related contents in form of Web Ads, Audio Ads, Video Ads, Interactive Online content and a Landing page that integrates all these materials.

    The course will be held mainly in English and teaching materials will be available mostly in English. German may be used occasionally as a means of help to students

  • Jack Z. Sissors and Roger B. Baron: Advertising media planning : [apply the latest advertising technologies, build your brand in every medium, create the right budget for each campaign], McGraw-Hill, 2010.
  • George E. Belch & Michael A. Belch: Advertising and promotion : an integrated marketing communications perspective, McGraw-Hill, 2012.
  • Akin Arikan: Multichannel marketing : metrics and methods for on and offline success, Wiley, 2008.
  • Josef Schnettler und Gero Wendt: Werbung planen : Konzeption, Media und Kreation; Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch für die Aus- und Weiterbildung, Cornelsen, 2007.
  • Lon Safko: The social media bible : tactics, tools, and strategies for business success, Wiley & Sons, 2010.
  • Sonja Ulrike Klug: Konzepte ausarbeiten - schnell und effektiv : Tools und Techniken für Pläne, Berichte und Projekte, BusinessVillage GmbH, 2008.
  • Christy Dena: Current State of Cross Media Storytelling, Preliminary observations for future design School of Creative Arts, University of Melbourne, Australia, 2004.
  • Jesmond Allen und James Chudley: Smashing UX Design: Foundations for Designing Online User Experiences (Smashing Magazine Books), John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
  • Bill Buxton: Sketching User Experiences: Getting the Design Right and the Right Design (Interactive Technologies), Morgan Kaufmann, Heidelberg, 2007.
  • Jörg Müller, Florian Alt und Daniel Michelis: Pervasive Advertising (Human-Computer Interaction Series), Springer London, 2011.
  • Florian Franke, Johannes Ippen: Apps mit HTML5 und CSS3: für iPad, iPhone und Android, Galileo Press, 2012.
  • Henry Jenkins: Convergence Culture: Where Old and New Media Collide, New York University Press, 2006.
  • Alan Pipes: Zeichnen für Designer: [Zeichenfertigkeiten, Konzeptskizzen, Computersysteme, Illustration, Werkzeuge und Materialien, Präsentationen, Produktionstechniken], Bruckmann KunstKultur, 2008.
  • Werbefilme produzieren : Richtlinien für die Herstellung von Fernseh- und Kinospots …, VDW, 1999.
  • Renner, Karl N./Hoff, Dagmar/ Krings, Matthias (Hg.): Medien. Erzählen. Gesellschaft: Transmediales Erzählen im Zeitalter der Medienkonvergenz (Medienkonvergenz / Media Convergence), Berlin 2012.
  • Simanowski, Roberto: Digitale Medien in der Erlebnisgesellschaft, Reinbek 2008.

  • Weitere Literatur finden Sie in der HdM-Bibliothek.
    Internet: Blog with extended materials for this course: http://www.mobilenin.com/hdm/courses/zeitbasiertemedien/