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Modul Digital Brand Experience

(Digital Brand Experience )

Modul:255064 Digital Brand Experience (Wahlpflichtmodul im Grundstudium), Schwerpunkt: Branding
Modulverantwortlicher:Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheible
ECTS-min./max.: 5 / 5

Lecture: 255064a Digital Brand Experience
15 meetings with 2 SWS each = 22,5 hours Research and project work on an industry case within a team = 37,5 hours Whole workload = 60 hours

Lecture: 255064b Transferprojekt Digital Brand Experience
15 meetings with 2 SWS each = 22,5 hours
Conception, design, realization and documentation of a complete digital user experience project within a team = 67,5 hours
Whole workload = 90 hours

Modulprüfung: PA
Lernergebnisse:Gaining theoretical knowledge:
  • Understanding digital brand experience - how brands can interact and communicate with users through digital brand touchpoints
  • Knowing what is branded interaction design - thinking and process
  • Understanding current digital technologies - what are the state of the art technologies that foster digital brand experience
  • Learn practical skills:
  • Being able to to carry out a Digital Brand Experience Project for the industry, including conception, designing interaction and UI , developing low fidelity prototypes
  • Being able to generate and evaluate new ideas
  • Being able to produce interactive digital content for digital brand experiences
  • Weitere Angaben einblenden
    Voraussetzung für dieses Modul: -
    Dieses Modul ist Voraussetzung für:-
    beinhaltet folgende Lehrveranstaltung(-en):
    EDV-Nr Lehrveranstaltung Art  SWS  ECTS  Prüfungsform
    255064a Digital Brand Experience - 2 2 *
    255064b Transferprojekt Digital Brand Experience - 2 3
    * kennzeichnet Prüfungsvorleistungen