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Modul Marketing Analytics

Modul:224360 Marketing Analytics (Wahlpflichtmodul im Grundstudium)
ECTS-min./max.: 3 / 3
Workload: 15 appointments of 2 Semester hours per week = 22.5 hours Preparation of the practical work/presentation: 4 days of 8 hours each = 40 hours Total time required = 85 hours 15 Termine zu je 2 SWh = 22,5 Zeitstunden Anfertigen der Praktischen Arbeit/Präsentation: 4 Tage zu je 8 Zeitstunden = 40 Zeitstunden Gesamter Zeitaufwand = 85 Zeitstunden
Modulprüfung: PP
      Understanding Marketing Analytics Foundations:
        Develop a solid understanding of the fundamental concepts and principles that underpin marketing analytics, including key terminology and industry best practices.
            Proficient Data Sourcing and Management:
            Acquire the skills to identify, evaluate, and leverage various marketing data sources, and demonstrate proficiency in data management techniques to ensure data accuracy and reliability.
                Application of Marketing Analytics Tools:
                Gain hands-on experience with popular marketing analytics tools, learning how to navigate and utilize them effectively for data analysis, reporting, and visualization purposes.
                    Data Analysis Fundamentals:
                    Develop a comprehensive skill set in data analysis, covering statistical techniques, exploratory data analysis, and interpretation of marketing data to derive actionable insights.
                        Marketing ROI Analysis and Driver Model Application:
                        Apply advanced analytics methods to assess marketing return on investment (ROI) and construct driver models, enabling students to quantify the impact of marketing activities and optimize future strategies based on data-driven insights.
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                        Voraussetzung für dieses Modul: -
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                        beinhaltet folgende Lehrveranstaltung(-en):
                        EDV-Nr Lehrveranstaltung Art  SWS  ECTS  Prüfungsform
                        224360a Marketing Analytics - 2 3
                        * kennzeichnet Prüfungsvorleistungen