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Modul Now Age Storytelling

Modul:337068 Now Age Storytelling (Wahlpflichtmodul im Hauptstudium)
ECTS-min./max.: 10 / 10
Workload: 10 ECTS = 300h
Modulprüfung: PP
Lernergebnisse:The project is interdisciplinary designed in the lines of innovative storytelling, data visualisation, innovative filming and shooting, intercultural communication. After attending this project, - participants have skill to find, research and develop the draft-scripts for digital fact-based multimedia stories in diverse formats, on a fragmented and longer timeline and for fragmented audiences. - participants have skill to script a story and plan for the shooting and producing across multiple platforms and for diverse formats. - participants have skill to produce and distribute multiple digital fact-based multimedia stories across multiple platforms and for diverse formats on a longer timeline. - participants have skill to apply the new concepts of storytelling and produce their stories with cutting-edge mobile technology. - participants have skill to work in teams with diverse skills and diverse cultural backgrounds. - participants have skill to understand the new concepts of storytelling with cutting-edge mobile technology. - participants gain practice in using the English language in a working environment and in live-situation. participants gain experience and confidence in digital and analog communication with students and professors across borders and on themes with both a local focus and a global perspective.
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EDV-Nr Lehrveranstaltung Art  SWS  ECTS  Prüfungsform
337068a Now Age Storytelling - 4 10
* kennzeichnet Prüfungsvorleistungen