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822374a English Upper Intermediate B2.2

Zuletzt geändert:05.01.2024 / Özkan
Studiengänge: Studiengangübergreifendes Angebot (Sprachkurse), Prüfungsleistung im Modul English Refresher Upper Intermediate in Semester 2 3 4 5 6 7
Häufigkeit: immer
Dozent: Dr. Barbara Garzia-Jansen M.A. Andrea Voit
Sprache: Englisch
Art: V
Umfang: 2 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 2
Workload: 12 dates à 2 hours per week (attendance) plus self-study.
Requirements for obtaining ECTS credits and language course certificate:
  • Compulsory attendance
  • Preparation and follow up of classes in self-study
  • Active participation in class
  • Mid-term examination or presentation
  • Passing the final examination
  • The final, overall grade consists of partial performances (KMP) that must be achieved over the entire duration of the course
    Please note:
    Regular attendance is mandatory and will be assessed: 85% of the course is to be completed in presence, this also applies to online - distance teaching formats, via videoconference. Make sure that you do not miss more than two classes (4 SWS). This way you will be admitted to the final examination!
    Active participation in class (peer and group works, discussion) incl. verbal skills will be evaluated.
    The course ends with a written and verbal final examination which usually takes place on the last day of the course. To successfully pass the examination, at least 60 percent must be achieved in total.
    After successful completion of this level, students can attend the next course at CEFR level C1.1.
    Inhaltliche Verbindung zu anderen Lehrveranstaltungen im Modul: A completed CEFR B2.1 level of English is required (OOPT result B2.2 = score of 71 to 80).
    This course is recommended for students who have completed the English Refresher Upper Intermediate Course B2.1 (822426).
    Prüfungsform: KMP
    Bemerkung zur Veranstaltung: Zielniveau B2
    Beschreibung: This course is for the student looking to further advance the four main skills of the English language: Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking!
    IT is intended for students with more experience and who want to further put into practice all aspects learned from the four main skills of general English. We will explore six chapters that encompass different topics such as: Design, Business, Engineering, Trends, Arts & Media and Crime. Complimentary to the topics we will read articles, have class discussions and you will have the opportunity of participating in a debate by selecting a topic of your choice from the lesson. Helping us better understand the many facets that exist in the English language in a fun and interactive manner.
    This course will also help you understand a selected number of grammar structures such as: conditionals, idioms, the passive, verb patterns, adjective/adverb combos and relative clauses. As well as understanding a deeper vocabulary pool of words and terminology.
    Literatur: Navigate Coursebook B2, Oxford press University, ISBN 978-0-19-456676-6

    Weitere Literatur finden Sie in der HdM-Bibliothek.