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181140a Intercultural Problem Solving 1

Zuletzt geändert:03.11.2019 / von Carlsburg
Sprache: Englisch
Art: -
Umfang: 2 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 4
Workload: This lecture goes over two semesters: Workload per semester: Taught sessions at 2 hrs; 30 hrs/term Teamwork - Problem Solving 90 hrs/term Total: 120 hrs / Semester
Bemerkung zur Veranstaltung: Englisch
Beschreibung: Strategic problem solving is a critical academic skill, for engineering, management, and front-line workers.
Learning how to approach and solve problems which relate to real world situations is an integral part of the education of our students and is particular relevant for students with different cultural backgrounds.
Students will learn to identify a problem as such and need to ensure that the identified problem is fundamental and not simply a symptom of just another set of problems.
When the problem is identified it must be clearly described, taking into account and quantifying the objectives that are to be met by the solution and the limitations, or constrains, under which the solution must operate.
Constraints or limitations on the range of possible solutions which are considered acceptable are related to such items a laws, standards and regulations, economic or resource limitations, political, cultural and social pressures and morality and ethical responsibilities. After having identified the problems students will collect data, analyse the problem and look at it from different perspectives.
From the concentration on the facts of what is needed, ideas of what is possible will spring. Throughout the whole procedure information and ideas must constantly be fed abck form a later stage to an earlier stage in order to refine the ideas generated and to arrive at the best final design in all respects: technical, economic and social. The problem solving models students will study are summarised as
    Recognise the need;
    Define the problem, the objectives and constrains;
    Collect information and data;
    Generate alternative solutions;
    Evaluate the consequence of different solutions;
    Decide and specify the final ‘best’ solution.
English Title: Intercultural Problems Solving 1
Strategic and Technical Problem Solving
English Abstract: Being able to work in an intercultural environment, reflect, and adapt to the unique challenges of multicultural settings is one of the key skills for the 21st century. This module aims to provide you with an introduction to key issues, concepts and multidisciplinary methods employed in the study of language and (intercultural) communication. The aim is to develop and practice your own general understanding of culture and your intercultural skills. The nature of knowledge and language play a special role in intercultural interactions, and we will explore these as part of the course. In this module, a variety of teaching and learning methods will be employed with an emphasis on interactive lectures and workshop style activities such as pair and group work. You will be asked to participate actively in classroom activities, including giving presentations, preparatory reading and joining discussion. On successful completion of this module a student will be able to • Demonstrate understanding of the key theoretical notions and concepts in Intercultural Communication • Make connections between theories of intercultural communication and one’s own intercultural experiences • Practice intercultural competency in terms of empathy, cultural adaptability, cultural relativisation, negotiation and mediation. • Develop strategies and practical solutions to handling intercultural encounters. • Consider the role and nature of knowledge in their own culture, in the cultures of others and in the wider world. • Be aware of themselves as thinkers and become more acquainted with the complexity of knowledge • Systematically approach complex problems in a globalized, international society. Be aware of the complexity and dimensions of such problems and think of ways to define and address them. • Be familiar with common research methods and basic standards of academic writing  
Literatur: supplied by lecturer(s)

Weitere Literatur finden Sie in der HdM-Bibliothek.
Internet: supplied by lecturer(s)