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182412a Post-Press Technologies

Zuletzt geändert:25.01.2023 / von Carlsburg
Studiengänge: Deutsch-Chinesischer Studiengang Medien und Technologie (Bachelor, Zulassung ab Wintersemester 2018/2019), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Post-Press Technologies in Semester 4
Häufigkeit: unregelmäßig
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Medien (Bachelor), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Post-Press Technologies in Semester 4
Häufigkeit: unregelmäßig
Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen Medien (Bachelor), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Post-Press Technologies in Semester 4 6 7
Häufigkeit: W24/25
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Volker Jansen
Sprache: Englisch
Art: -
Umfang: 4 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 4
Workload: Taught lectures as from October 2020 12 taught sessions at 4 hrs; 45 hrs/term Preparation for exam 75 hrs/term Exam 1,5 hs Total: 120 hrs
Inhaltliche Verbindung zu anderen Lehrveranstaltungen im Modul: This lecture is taught in English throughout.
Bemerkung zur Veranstaltung: Englisch
Beschreibung: Contents
The lecture Post Press Technologies and Product Design covers a wide range of technologies involved in the production of magazines and books. Inculded are: a short introduction to paper, the technologies used in post press; make-up and binding styles; finishing and many new technologies used for post press applications with digital printing.

Week 1
The first week is about the history of measurements and formats. It is an important section to understand why certain sizes are preferred and why certain formats prevail. You will learn about ISO standards, metric and imperial. The second part of this week’s lecture deals with aesthetic proportions which rule our sense of beauty and balance.
Week 2
Post Press success depends on good planning and attention to detail. When people hear about different binding jobs gone awry, behind-the -scenes processes like cutting often are to blame. You will learn about different methods of separation, the starting point of any post-press activity. Different cutting technologies, methods and styles, the application and the use are introduced.
Many printing projects featuring superb printing don’t look good because of inaccurate folding, dull formats or too conventional folding styles. Folding makes a word of difference, especially if you coordinate your project early in the job preparation stage. In this section you learn about job planning for folding, folding principles, its limitations and choosing the right material.
Week 4
Proper impositions can make the difference between winning or losing jobs or being delighted with the job or rather discontented. Most projects reveal standard impositions for books, brochures or marketing leaflets with common trim sizes. However, on standard equipment to make a job exciting there is a full array of different options available. This section is about different folding styles, methods and options. You learn about different impositions systems and machine configurations.
Week 5
To many graphic arts professionals specialty folding begins and ends with a bemused ‘How did you do that?’ However, such speculation does a disservice to skilled bindery professionals who accomplish extraordinary feats every day. Rest assured, there is a lot of behind-the-scenes work occurring on folding jobs and look downright ordinary. This part of the lecture deals with sheet feeders and deliveries, perforation and inline slitting, creasing and fold gluing on sheet fed presses and in web-applications.
Week 6
The section make-up of books and booklets cannot be divorced from impositioning. The same factors that influence choice of impositioning will determine the complete production, the style and the costs of the product. This week we will concentrate of the many options available to make a job special. We will also concentrate on magazine and paperback production. Here you will learn about signatures, gathering, insetting and all about saddle stitching.
Week 7
For most book projects, the appropriate binding style falls into one of four categories: mechanical binding, adhesive binding or case binding. Binding options narrow considerably for complex books that need a solution that combines several elements. Consider a project with these divergent requirements: lay flat capabilities, a printable spine, an elegant appearance, and sturdy construction that will withstand frequent, long-term use. Sometimes you wish to use very different content materials. It’s a tall order where the wire-O-binding comes in. We will have a look at different loose-leaf binding styles such as wire-O-binding (as often referred to comb binding) and we start looking at different adhesives used for perfect binding.
Week 8
Every perfect bound project should achieve four objectives. First, the book’s appearance must be the right shape with all copy properly positioned. Second, the pages need to be bound in the right sequence. Third, the book has to be durable. And fourth, the project should run efficiently to be cost effective. This week you will concentrate of different technologies of spine treatment to achieve various products, you will look at the application of adhesives and at machine production.
Week 9
For elegance and durability, there is no substitute to thread stitching. This time-tested impressive binding style can accommodate truly distinctive products. Since there are many steps in a typical case-bound job, attention to detail is important. This section is about different stitching styles for pamphlets and books, it’s about production and machinery. The second part of this week’s lecture comprises on demand book production. The term print on demand and binding on demand or variable data printing (VDP in short) have introduced new workflow systems, working routines and entirely new products. You will learn about different workflow philosophies and the digitalization of production processes.
Week 10
The number of products that can benefit from mechanical and adhesive binding is enormous. Mechanically bound products lay perfectly flat and the format is appropriate for a diverse array of products. Adhesive bound products may be produced to lay flat on a table while providing a great durability. Versatility is particularly important for projects with design elements such as die cuts, foldout covers, different sized sheets and index tabs. This week you learn about different types of pamphlets such as Otabind, Repcover, Tubebind, Swiss Binding etc. This section is followed by a file embarking on case binding activities, and you will look at design elements such as colour edging, ribbon markers and technical necessaries such as rounding, head-banding and backlining.
Week 11
There are many ways to alter the appearance or functionality of case-bound books. An important consideration is the type of board you need. There is a large number of options you may consider and you find a great variety of extras that you can use to dress up your case-bound projects. This week we learn about different cover styles, machine specifications and inline book production.
Week 12
Few printed pieces shout, ‘look at me!’ as powerfully as those with foil stamping. Foil irresistibly draws the eye and commands attention. Foil-stamped images add punch to promotions, packaging or festive brochures. Another possibility to catch attention is to incorporate embossing or debossing options in appropriate projects which provide the product with haptic and lure. A beautifully printed product can be exiting, but the impact of ink, and haptic simply isn’t enough for some projects. This is where the alliance of high-quality printing and creative die cutting can work wonders. In your final session you hear about hot foil stamping, embossing, debossing and finally die cutting, you learn about technologies and applications.
Week 13
The test exam is a tool to measure your level of knowledge and to adjust your learning accordingly. Please note: You will encounter different questions and tasks in your exam. This test exam is for orientation only. Week 14
Excursion and Q&A
English Title: Post Press Technologies
English Abstract: The subject of Post-Press Technologies comprises any technical process involved after printing a web or sheet.
The lectures are divided into 12 different sections starting out with an introduction into the subject of binding, folding and finishing. This is followed by lectures outlining the specifications and applications of divers production processes employed in modern post press technologies.
The lectures focus on specific methods of industrial production, logistics, workflows, product specifications and on different methods of post press production.
Literatur: Every file for this lecture has been carefully researched and referenced. The entire material attached is for your private use only. No element is for publication on the Internet or for distribution on any publication tool. Although all sources are carefully cited, this lecture is not for dissemination as it may contain images and text elements with third party copyright ownerships. However, this lecture falls under the right of ‘fair use’. This is the right to use portions of copyrighted materials without permission for purposes of education, commentary, or parody. A comprehensive bibliography is part of this lecture. It is available upon request.

Weitere Literatur finden Sie in der HdM-Bibliothek.