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221201a Screendesign

Diese Veranstaltung für Evaluation, Skriptezugriff etc. speichern
Zuletzt geändert:20.02.2024 / Adamczyk
Studiengänge: Audiovisuelle Medien (Bachelor, 7 Semester), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Screendesign in Semester 3 4
Häufigkeit: nur WS
Sprache: Englisch
Art: -
Umfang: 4 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 6
    4 semester hours per week / 6 ECTS

15 Termine zu je 4 SWS = 45 Zeitstunden
15 Lecture dates with 4 semester hours per week = 45 hour units (45 min each)

Vor- und Nachbereitung:
15 Termine zu je 4 SWS = 45 Zeitstunden
Preparation and assignments: 15 dates with 2 semester hours per week = 45 hour units (45 min each)

11,25 Tage zu je 8 Zeitstunden = 90 Zeitstunden
Exam preparations: 11,25 days with 8 hour units each = 90 hour units

Gesamter Zeitaufwand (Workload) = 180 Zeitstunden
Workload all in all = 180 hour units
Bemerkung zur Veranstaltung: Teilnehmerbeschränkung, Unterrichtssprache Englisch
Beschreibung: Hinweis für das aktuelle Semester: Die Veranstaltung findet mit Hilfe von Moodle statt. Suchen Sie den betreffenden Kurs auf https://e-learning.hdm-stuttgart.de/moodle/ mit Hilfe der Kursnummer und tragen Sie sich ein. Dort finden Sie alle weiteren Informationen.
Screens and the content they display have become increasingly important as a means of communication, information and entertainment, both in static and moving form. This hands-on course takes students all the way from basic topics of design for still screens to film titles and motion design.

Some of the topics covered are:
- design elements and design principles
- typography
- color
- principles of motion
- motion graphics
- film and tv titles
English Title: 221201a Screendesign
English Abstract: Screens and the content they display have become increasingly important as a means of communication, information and entertainment, both in static and moving form. This hands-on course takes students all the way from basic topics of design for still screens to film titles and motion design.

Some of the topics covered are:
- design elements and design principles
- typography
- color
- principles of motion
- motion graphics
- film and tv titles
    „Screen- und Interface-Design“ Gestaltung und Usability für Hard- und Software; Torsten Stapelkamp, M.I.T. Press 2006

    „The Laws of Simplicity“; John Maeda, Springer Verlag 2007

    „Thinking With Type - A Critical Guide for Designers, Writers, Editors and Students“; Ellen Lupton, Princeton Architectural Press 2004

    „The Layout Book“; Ambrose Harris, ava Academia Lausanne 2007

    „The Elements of Graphic Design: Space, Unity, Page Architecture, and Type: Space“; Alexander W. White, Allworth Press New York 2002

    „Typographic Design: Form & Communication“; Rob Carter, Ben Day, Philip Meggs, John Wiley & Sons, Inc 1993

    „Type in Motion“; Matt Woolman & Jeff Bellantoni, Verlag Hermann Schmid Mainz 2000

    „Seeing Sound“; Matt Woolman, Verlag Hermann Schmid Mainz 2000

    „The Smashing Book“ - a friendly little helper for website issues; www.smashingbook.com

    ...more literature will be given along the semester

Weitere Literatur finden Sie in der HdM-Bibliothek.
Internet: Internet sources will be communicated along topics covered during the lecture sesions. Student contributions are welcome