Information Experience and Design Research Group
Stuttgart Media University
Nobelstr. 10, room I221
70569 Stuttgart, Germany
Phone: +49-711-8923-3508
I have been part of the Information Experience and Design Research Group since March 2013 right after I finished my Bachelor's thesis in Information Design at Stuttgart Media University. In my Bachelor's thesis I investigated if emotional differences can be identified in users playing various difficulty levels of a computer game by using the EPOC neuroheadset (multi-channel portable EEG system). While I was a student I worked as a student assistant for the IXD Group. Now I work with industry clients and also support students with their projects in the UX Lab.
- Burmester, M., Laib, M., Schippert, K., Zeiner, K.M., Froneman, N. & Krüger, A.E. (2016). Vom Problemlösen hin zum Entwerfen von Smart Homes für positive Momente und mehr Wohlbefinden. Wissenschaft trifft Praxis, 4, 38-48.
- Zeiner, K.M., Laib, M., Schippert, K. & Burmester, M. (2016). Das Erlebnisinterview Methode zum Verständnis positiver Erlebnisse. In: Mensch und Computer 2016 - Usability Professionals.
- Zeiner, K.M., Laib, M., Schippert, K. & Burmester, M. (2016). Identifying Experience Categories to Design for Positive Experiences with Technology at Work. In: Proc. of CHI 16 Extended Abstracts. New York: ACM.
- Laib, M., Burmester, M., Ficano, C., Fronemann, N., Kolb, B., Krüger, A., Quesseleit, M.-L., Schippert, K. & Shinkarenko, M. (2015). User Experience bei Softwareanbietern. In: S. Diefenbach, N. Henze & M. Pielot (Hrsg.): Mensch und Computer 2015 Tagungsband (S. 93-102). Stuttgart: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag.
- Tille, Ralph; Schippert, Katharina; Burmester, Michael (2015). Partizipative Konzeptevaluation eines Produktdaten-Management-Systems. In: 11. Berliner Werkstatt MMS 2015.
- Burmester, M., Laib, M. & Schippert, K. (2014). Interaktion als positives Erlebnis Technologiegestaltung neu denken. Wissenschaft trifft Praxis, 3, 5-16.
- Tille, R. & Burmester, M., & Schippert, K. (2013, in Druck). Role-Based-Client Workspace Entwicklung von Dashboard-Interfaces im Product Lifecycle Management (PLM). In Tagungsband der Berliner Werkstatt für Mensch-Maschine-Systeme 2013.