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Monika Webers
Monika Webers, BA
Information Experience and Design Research Group
Stuttgart Media University

Nobelstr. 10, room I225
70569 Stuttgart, Germany

Phone: +49-711-8923-3231
Email: webers@hdm-stuttgart.de

I have been part of the Information Experience and Design Research Group from April 2011 until December 2012. And now since January 2015. My focus is on Design-research und User Experience. I was part in the EU-Project "ICIC" where we worked on a system, that supports travellers during their whole journey and initiates a positive experience. Furthermore I worked on the project "CollabSketch" to investigate the understanding of collaborative design of icons on a multitouch table with several users. I now work with industry clients.


Tille, R.; Webers, M. (2012) Kollaboratives Entwerfen mit Multitouch - Meinen Nutzer und Gestalter das Gleiche? Eine explorative Studie mittels partizipativem und kollaborativem Skizzieren. In: Mareis, Claudia; Held, Matthias; Joost, Gesche (Hrsg.) Wer gestaltet die Gestaltung? Praxis, Theorie und Geschichte des partizipatorischen Gestaltens. (2012) Bielefeld: transcript.