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224460a Mobile Advertisig and Brand Engagement

Zuletzt geändert:06.06.2024 / Özkan
Studiengänge: Mobile Medien (Bachelor, 7 Semester), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Mobile Advertising and Brand Engagement in Semester 6 7
Häufigkeit: immer
Studienübergreifendes Angebot - Minors, Prüfungsleistung im Modul Mobile Advertising and Brand Engagement in Semester 1
Häufigkeit: immer
Werbung und Marktkommunikation (Bachelor, 7 Semester), Prüfungsleistung im Modul Mobile Advertising and Brand Engagement in Semester 4 6 7
Häufigkeit: immer
Dozent: Prof. Dr. Jürgen Scheible
Sprache: Englisch
Art: -
Umfang: 4 SWS
ECTS-Punkte: 5
Workload: Seminar:
15 Termine zu je 4 SWh = 45 Zeitstunden
Vor- und Nachbereitung:
15 Termine zu je 4 SWh = 45 Zeitstunden
Anfertigen des Entwurfs:
4 Tage zu je 8 Zeitstunden = 32 Zeitstunden
Gesamter Zeitaufwand = 122 Zeitstunden
Bemerkung zur Veranstaltung: Teilnehmerbeschränkung
Beschreibung: Wichtig: Die einzige Möglichkeit einen Platz in dieser LV zu bekommen ist:

1. Am "Wahlfach-Kick-off am 19.9.2022" via Zoom teilzunehmen. Zoom-Link und weitere Infos hierzu in Moodle unter "WM7-Wahlfachvergabe":https://e-learning.hdm-stuttgart.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=4525

2. Eintragen in die "Interessentenliste" über die Moodle-Abfrage zu dieser LV. Diese Liste ist hier zu finden: In Moodle unter "WM7-Wahlfachvergabe":https://e-learning.hdm-stuttgart.de/moodle/course/view.php?id=4525

3. Abwarten, bis wir Zu- und Absagen verschicken.

If you are an international student being accepted to the "Advertising Minor" study track, you have a seat secured already.


In this course students will learn about the specifics of designing Mobile Apps for Advertising and brand engagement purposes. The goal is to build a concept design including a user Interface design for a Mobile App as the final project task. (mock-up or functional prototype).

Students will first be introduced to a series of relevant topics in the field of Advertising and brand engagement. After that students will get to know how to analyze user needs in this field and what are the interaction possibilities to address those needs in a situated, location specific setting. Finally they will be introduced to the process of how to build a concept design, based on the User Centered Design process for designing Mobile Experiences. (Persona, User Journey, Scenario, Task model, Prototype)

The Course is also aimed to be inspirational regarding new forms of Interaction techniques such as Mobile Interaction with a Flying Robot display (Quadrocopter with beamer on it. www.displaydrone.com) or interaction with the physical Environment (MobiSpray.com).

    Topics covered:
  • How traditional advertising works in general
  • How Online advertising works
  • The Opportunities of Mobile Advertising
  • Customer Life cycle & Mobile Loyality
  • SoLoMo - The Social Local Mobile Movement
  • Second Screen Model
  • Mobile Augmented Reality - Opportunities & Challenges
  • Gamification
  • Mobile Interaction at the Point of Sale
  • Mobile User Interaction with Public Screens

English Title: Mobile Advertising and Brand Engagement
English Abstract: In this course students will learn about the specifics of designing Mobile Apps for Advertising and brand engagement purposes. The goal is to build a concept design including a user Interface design for a Mobile App as the final project task.
Literatur: Branded Interactions, Marco Spies, 2018, Verlag Herrmann Schmidt Mainz
Go Mobile, Jeanne Hopkins & Jamie Turner, 2012, Wiley
Mobile Marketing, Cindy Krum, 2012, Addison-Wesley

Weitere Literatur finden Sie in der HdM-Bibliothek.