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Print Media and Packaging Technologies

Abschluss: Bachelor of Engineering
Regelstudienzeit: 7 Semester
Lehrsprache: Englisch
Zulassung: zum Wintersemester
Studiengangswebsite: https://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/pmt
Studieninhalte: Vorlesungen und Module des Studiengangs
Print Media and Packaging Technologies is a one-of-a-kind Bachelor of Engineering programme at Hochschule der Medien in Stuttgart, Germany. It fuses creativity, science, technology, economics, intercultural studies, corporate management and languages into a comprehensive study course. Our major focus is in digital printing, digitisation, 3 D printing, packaging and sustainability. The study programme Print Media and Packaging Technologies is the ideal incubator for students who seek an international business career. The course is extremely diverse, with students from 56 different nations currently enrolled. All lectures are conducted in English, and each student must study a foreign language as part of the curriculum.

The study is conducted over a seven-semester period, spanning 3.5 years. It will help you grow and discover more about yourself and will boost your self-confidence. You will enter a new and exciting world of media and you will learn about many future technologies. Graduates of the Print Media and Packaging Technologies programme can choose from a wide range of careers. Your future employer could be a global business involved in media production, packaging and engineering, or even a creative technologist. You will be prepared to work in marketing, management, production, research and design.


Leitung des Studiengangs

Prof. Dr. Dipl.-Ing. Volker Jansen

Raum171a (Technikbau)
Telefon0711 8923-2150

In der Prüfungsverwaltung

Matthias Sonsalla

Raumm063 (Modulbau)
Telefon0711 8923-2878

Im Studienbüro

Katharina Geier

Raumm060 (Modulbau)
Telefon0711 8923-2091

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